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Ann Arbor. 734-665-0019
Beaver Island: 231-448-2205

Beaver Island Jewelry

Beaver Island Jewelry sells beads filled with nature and the secrets of Beaver Island- for jewelry designers and bead collectors.

A natural gas torch, along with oxygen, is utilized to melt glass rods. The beads are then annealed or hardened in a digitally controlled kiln overnight. Moretti (Murano, Italy) soft glass is mostly used but also some German and American glass.

Beaver Island Jewelry owned by Nancy Peterson makes glass lampwork beads and creates jewelry from these beads in Ann Arbor, Michigan or in the summer on Beaver Island. Glass beadmaking lessons are available seasonally on Beaver Island or in Ann Arbor, MI.

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How & Where to Buy

My items are sold at:
Beaver Island Art Gallery, 26435 Donegal Bay Road, Beaver Island MI (across from the Library). 231-448-2115


View some of newest items for sale at Facebook Beaver Island Jewelry 

You can also order by phone:
Summer: Beaver Island: 231-448-2205
Winter: Ann Arbor. 734-665-0019

We accept all major credit cards and will ship to almost any address in the US.

Abstracta System For Sale

This Abstracta ( system is for sale. I only used it 2 times and then stopped doing large shows. It would be great for jewelry or small item selling at shows or for a shop.


It sets up with black matte poles and connectors with glass for the shelves. The highest point is about 76” and the length about 143”. This is available to pick up in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I am asking $1000 for the whole system (originally about $2000).

Contact Nancy Peterson, Beaver Island Jewelry, at or call/text at 734-476-3867.

Beaver Island Jewelry |
Beaver Island: 231-448-2205 | Ann Arbor: 734-665-0019

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